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Name of the Service Selected Electrical Supervisor(General) Permit - Renewal
Eligiblity to get this services THOSE WHO HAS VALID Electrical Supervisors(General)Grade I Permit.(Grade II)THOSE WHO HAS valid Electrical Supervisors (General) Grade II Permit
Scanned documents to be uploaded to get this Service View
Fee/Charges to be paid to get the service (Rs.) Rs.1100/- & Rs.100/-
Service is expected to be delivered within(days) 90 Days
Service Process
1 - Citizen will log in to service of official website website.
2 - Departmental web page showing citizen preparedness, documents to be scanned, Fees to be paid, service delivery period and service process Electrical Supervisor General Permit Renewal is shown
3 - Citizen fill all mandatory or non- mandatory fields, upload all the requsite scanned documents(inclusive of list of testing instruments), and make on line payment of Fees.
4 - After successive submission of application citizen will get an acknowledgement. With a SMS giving get Date, Time and Day to go a particular DEI Office to get Verification of original documents scanned and Instruments.
5 - After Verification of documents and instrument by the DEI, if all documents are in order the file will be forwarded to Head Office
6 - If any application is not in order DEI will hold file and a SMS alert will be sent to applicant to comply immediately
7 - If applicant comply the file will be forwarded to Head Office by the DEI,non complying file will be treated as pending with applicant
8 - On verification at Head Office the file will be submited to Board for clearence
9 - On approval of Board the Renewed Electrical Supervisor General Permit will get printed and sent to citizen
10 - Once the license is granted, application for renewal shall be submitted three clear months before the expiry of the license but not before five clear months.
11 - Application may be accepted two clear months before the date of expiry of the license, provided the applicant remits the penal fee as detailed in Annexure-5.
Before proceeding to enter the application form please be ready with scanned copies of the above documents and for online payment